Calico Fantail Goldfish

Calico fantail goldfish swimming in a tank.

Calico Fantails (Carassius auratus) are members of the fantail goldfish family. With all the grace and beauty of the red fantail plus the brilliant, variegated coloring of the shubunkin, calico fantails have multi-colored metallic scales with a short round body and a split tail fin. Calico Fantails most prominent feature is their varying color patterns. They range in size from 1.5" to as large as 8".

Calico Fantails, as their names states are calico patterned in color. Their body color is a base of blue or orange, with black, red, white, blue and orange scales. No two calico fantails are patterned the same, giving each fish it's own unique look.

Like all other goldfish, calico fantails are hatched from an egg and are smaller than an eyelash in the first days of life. Amazingly, by 45 days they will grow to a marketable size of 1.5" - 2.5" but will need additional time for their color to fully develop. Goldfish growth rates are based on food, space, water quality and surrounding environment. Goldfish are omnivores and will eat all types of dried and live food, but basic fish flakes or small pellet food will provide the proper diet.  

Calico Fantails are a community goldfish and will do great in any freshwater aquarium setting with all other goldfish, including red fantails, shubunkins, sarasa comets, pond comets and regular common goldfish.